Truly well done, clearly organized, and you made it so easy to follow your steps 1-2-3.

Thank you!

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Thank you for reading, Loralyn. :)

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This is excellent! I’ve been looking for something like this, because I’m just starting to create some e-books to complement my triathlon themed Substack- Triple Threat Life.

It’s an interesting segment and very niche subset of people, so there is very little to no competition to speak of. So it’s been hard to judge what people will pay to read.


- Everything You Need to Know For Your First Ironman

- 10 Essential Steps for Race Week

(My full time job is freelance journalist for places like Triathlete Magazine, Outside Run, Ironman.)

I’ve also been struggling to figure out what outlet to use- Canva was where I’ve started, but I’ve also recieved suggestions that Atticus is better, but it’s very hard to justify paying for a high priced program when I haven’t even written e-book yet… One person said Gumroad is the way to go while someone else says Amazon is where it’s at.

Everyone has their own opinion, but all the conflicting info can be so confusing!

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Hi Brittany! This is so exciting! I’d recommend going with Barnes & Noble, as they’ll distribute your book to other places. I have an article on that. I’d also suggest putting it on Gumroad—there’s nothing to lose. While it’s a niche topic and might have an earning cap, you can use Google Trends to check how the keywords perform now and in the past to estimate your potential sales.

When it comes to your book title, it’s good to include the keyword, especially if it’s an ebook and you’re aiming to make sales online. I cover this in more detail in a chapter of my new book, explaining how your title can significantly boost sales. We live in an age where people want to gain three years’ worth of knowledge just from reading a title, haha… I write my books in Pages, although I did use Canva for some of my previous ones. Hope this helps :). Good luck with your book, keep me updated.

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Thanks so much! I will definitely check out your pieces about Barnes & Noble and title selection. I’m also interested in checking out Google Trends because I’ve never tried that before. I haven’t heard of Pages, but I’ll look into it.

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Thanks, Brittany. Pages is an app on my Mac and iPhone that lets you write and publish directly in different formats. I prefer it over Canva because the layout and editing are more suited for e-readers.

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Excellent. I have a Mac and iPhone so I’ll investigate. Thank you!

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Gold post ! Thank u for this 😃

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Thanks for reading, Harkiran. 🤗

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Wow!🤩 I guess I found what I wanted! The last call to action was amazing! I ll definitely get back to you once I finish up ! Thanks again 💜

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Sep 4Liked by Deni Sahaya

Great read. Thanks Deni. I'm writing an e-book. While I have qualitative research evidence, quantitative research evidence it's what's missing. Will get to work

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You’re on the right track, Mandy.

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