Kindle Book Publishing: 5 Reasons Your Book Isn’t Selling (and How to Fix It—FAST!)
Stop Complaining and Face the Truth—Here's What You Need to Do to Start Selling
One of the questions you'll ask yourself often if you're in the business of self-publishing is this: Why is my book not selling?
Whether you're publishing low-content books like coloring books for kids—or you're writing fiction, romance, self-help, or informational books—you're not immune to disappointment. But failure is not the only option—in fact, in many cases, it’s completely avoidable.
If you’re doubting yourself—wondering if self-publishing is for you—stop right there.
Because the next thought running through your mind shouldn’t be, Should I give up? but rather, How can I sell more books?
As a trained marketing consultant (no, I’m not a guru—I actually do this for a living), I’m going to show you the top 5 reasons I see over and over again why books on KDP aren’t selling—and more importantly, how to fix it. FAST.